In a world with endless distractions, it’s no wonder we find it challenging to complete tasks. Being focused is hard to come by these days.

This becomes even more true when working from home. Household chores that would be out of sight, out of mind, are now suddenly in your workspace.

However, there are proven methods to help you achieve your goals. Time Blocking and Time Boxing are the two main techniques, though there are others.


Time Blocking

This is probably the one you are most familiar with. Factories and Schools are designed with this technique in mind. Time Blocking is essentially working on a specific task for a set amount of time, then moving on to the next task when the allocated time is up. Perhaps that time is announced by a bell or an alert, just like in school.

Enter Parkinson’s Law, the idea that work expands to take up the amount of time allowed. Have you ever noticed that if given two weeks for a task, it takes two weeks to complete?

This is no coincidence. Subconsciously you have probably worked at a pace that has evidently caused the task to take that long. You’ve also more than likely succumbed to all sorts of perfectionism, procrastination and other useless pursuits in the process.

But it’s not all bad. Time blocking is a brilliant way to get something started. Once you start dedicating some time to a project you’re stuck on, you will identify sub-tasks that need completing. These are useful for getting the most out of your time.


Time Boxing

Time Boxing flips Time Blocking on its head. It’s the preferred productivity method for Elon Musk and Bill Gates. Instead of allocating an amount of time you can work on the task, you allocate the amount of time it will take you to complete it.

When you decide you want to get something done, you will then plan your day into sections that are as little as 10-minute increments. And then, you complete what’s required in the allocated time frame.

If you can not complete the task, you can add more time to finish it the next time you’re Time-Boxing.

Another critical element of Time Boxing is the concept of working without distractions. Ultimately you’re working against the clock to complete your task, which means you’re less likely to respond to any distractions. Once your time is up, it’s done. Allocate a Time-Box to your distractions and only pay attention to them then.



You’ve likely heard of the Pomodoro technique, the one with the little tomato-shaped kitchen timer.

It’s a type of Time Boxing where you allow yourself 25 minutes for a task, take a 5-minute break, and repeat as necessary.


Task Batching

With this, you allocate time to complete a range of low-value tasks at once, such as reading emails. This is designed to keep your mind focused on smaller tasks that require similar thought patterns instead of jumping between more extensive tasks. Many people find it difficult to concentrate this way as there’s not much concentration needed.


Day Theming

There are some people who swear by having a theme each day, such as “lead generation” or “marketing.” It’s another form of task batching, but with larger tasks in mind. The purpose is to keep all Team Members focused on the job at hand to avoid having to switch gears.


The 80/20 Rule

This is the Pareto Principle, 80% of output comes from only 20% of input. In other words, we should prioritise the 20% of factors that will produce the most outstanding results.

However, this doesn’t mean that you ignore the other 80% of tasks. It means you should give the most time to the things that will provide you with the best return.


Deep Work

Deep work is the elimination of distractions and the creation of an almost cave-like environment to work in. This way, you can really get in the zone and get to it. Research suggests 90-minute working increments are best for deep work.


Final thoughts

There is no right way to be productive. It’s a personal subject that varies for everyone. However, removing distractions to achieve things is universal. Try any combination of the techniques above to find what will work best for you and your workplace.

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