When it comes to hiring seasonal Team Members, business owners tend to fall into two groups. Some look forward to hiring temporary workers, knowing the need for seasonal workers reflects a business season. Some feel that it’s a necessary evil to get through times when the workload is heavy and the permanent workforce is lean. Unfortunately, the attitude is that seasonal Team Members are temporary and are therefore not as skilled or knowledgeable as permanent Team Members.

It’s time to challenge that attitude. There are some genuine benefits to hiring seasonal workers for your business and those who already work for you. When you take a step back and observe, hiring seasonal Team Members is actually better viewed as a win-win-win situation. You, your Team Members, and the seasonal Team Members you hire all stand to benefit from this arrangement.

Read on to learn some of the perks that come with seasonal Team Members.


Save money on payroll

When business is cruising along, and you’re as busy as possible, the amount your spending on payroll doesn’t matter because it’s what you need. However, many businesses go through lull phases at least once a year, and some will go through more than that.

During these slow times, your payroll becomes the most significant drain on financial resources. Because you’re committed to your regular Team Members, you must provide them with work, whether you need them or not.

By keeping your workforce at a minimum for the slower times of the year, there’s enough work to go around. Then, when the busy season comes, you can scale up for those times with seasonal Team Members.

It’s an intelligent way to keep the number of Team Members you have proportional to the amount of business you’re getting. That’s good for your bottom line.


Get to know one another

Seasonal Team Members often become regular Team Members. That’s because it’s a brilliant way to offer trial employment to those who shine in the interview process. You get a real look into how they perform in real life.

It’s also an excellent way for the seasonal Team Member to try working for you. Some applicants love the idea of a job on paper, but when it comes to actually doing the job… suddenly, it’s not what they thought it would be.

A seasonal Team Member agreement is a great, short-term way for both Team Members and employers to get to know each other. If you’re both pleased with the arrangement, you can extend a permanent employment offer when the time is right. And if it’s not such a great fit? Well, then, neither of you are under obligation to continue once the season ends. No hard feelings.


Create a happier workplace

An overworked Team Member will become an unhappy one. One of the easiest ways to ensure you’re not demanding too much from your permanent Team Members is to hire more when needed.

This ensures that the amount of work is appropriate, and everybody gets the breaks they need and the time off they deserve. Seasonal Team Members also bring in fresh energy, create an opportunity to get to know new people and provide a different perspective. It’s a good arrangement that tends to work all around.


Get a good return on your investment

Because seasonal Team Members are temporary, there is no need to complete a full onboarding process. You’re able to focus solely on what the seasonal Team members will need to perform their roles. This means you don’t have to spend enormous time and energy getting them up to speed on everything.


Final Thoughts

With electronic onboarding making the hiring process so much easier, there really is no downside to hiring seasonal employees these days. Including them in your plan makes good financial sense, allows you to get to know one another, and brings fresh energy to your business.

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